Licensing Data

The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) licenses automotive repair dealers, Smog Check stations, Smog Check technicians, Smog Check inspectors as well as brake and lamp inspectors.1 Licensure information is available under the Licensees tab at The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) License Search may be used to look up a business or individual who has a license issued by DCA.

License Population

(as of September 30, 2023)

License2 Type Number of Licenses
Automotive Repair Dealer3 34,345
Smog Check Test-and-Repair Station 4,228
Smog Check Test-Only Station 1,979
Smog Check Repair-Only Station 32
STAR Station4 4,081
Brake Station 713
Lamp Station 703
Smog Check Inspector 12,487
Smog Check Repair Technician 5,407
Brake Adjuster 656
Lamp Adjuster 644
Total 65,275

1 Pursuant to AB 471 (Low, Chapter 372, Statutes of 2021), vehicle safety systems licenses will soon replace lamp and brake licenses.

2 California Business and Professions Code section 23 defines "license" as a license, certificate, registration, or other means to engage in a business or profession regulated by the code.

3 An automotive repair dealer holds a registration to conduct business in California.

4 A licensed Smog Check station holds a STAR certification if it meets certain performance criteria established in BAR regulations.

Top 10 Business Types

(as of September 30, 2023)

Business types are provided by automotive repair dealers upon licensure or renewal. This information is tied to the service category options displayed on BAR's Auto Shop Locator. Licensees seeking to update their business type information can complete a Change of Name/Address/Corporate Officers or Directors form.

Primary Business Type Secondary Business Type
1. General Repair 1. General Repair
2. Auto Body and/or Paint Shop 2. Smog Check Station
3. Smog Check Station 3. Automotive Diagnostic Repair
4. Other 4. Other
5. Tire Shop 5. Tune Up/Oil Lube Shop
6. New/Used Car Dealer 6. Brake/Front End Alignment Shop
7. Mobile Automotive Repair 7. Tire Shop
8. Transmission Repair Shop 8. Preventative Maintenance Services
9. Preventative Maintenance Services 9. Engine Rebuilding/Repair
10. Tune Up/Oil Lube Shop 10. Mobile Automotive Repair

License Processing Times

Initial License Applications (April - June 2023)

License Type Received Approved Average Processing Time (Days)
Automotive Repair Dealer 808 767 35
Smog Check Test-and-Repair Station 67 59 22
Smog Check Test-Only Station 72 58 26
Smog Check Repair-Only Station 0 0 0
STAR Station 92 53 16
Brake Station 23 22 18
Lamp Station 23 23 17
Smog Check Inspector 498 178 65
Smog Check Repair Technician 237 76 62
Brake Adjuster (included re-applications) 276 100 43
Lamp Adjuster (included re-applications) 249 108 51
Total 2,345 1,444 40

License Renewal Applications (April - June 2023)

License Type Received Approved Average Processing Time (Days)
Automotive Repair Dealer 9,667 8,210 5
Smog Check Test-and-Repair Station 1,469 1,144 5
Smog Check Test-Only Station 662 495 5
Smog Check Repair-Only Station 6 6 5
STAR Station N/A N/A N/A
Brake Station 260 189 5
Lamp Station 264 190 5
Smog Check Inspector 1,672 1,536 5
Smog Check Repair Technician 763 693 5
Brake Adjuster N/A N/A N/A
Lamp Adjuster N/A N/A N/A
Total 14,763 12,463 5

Initial License Applications (July - September 2023)

License Type Received Approved Average Processing Time (Days)
Automotive Repair Dealer 1,071 815 39
Smog Check Test-and-Repair Station 101 78 34
Smog Check Test-Only Station 75 70 28
Smog Check Repair-Only Station 3 2 2
STAR Station 91 42 12
Brake Station 25 18 24
Lamp Station 25 16 18
Smog Check Inspector 419 172 59
Smog Check Repair Technician 214 65 80
Brake Adjuster (includes re-applications) 253 63 48
Lamp Adjuster (includes re-applications) 224 72 49
Total 2,501 1,413 42

License Renewal Applications (July - September 2023)

License Type Received Approved Average Processing Time (Days)
Automotive Repair Dealer 8,552 8,176 5
Smog Check Test-and-Repair Station 878 843 5
Smog Check Test-Only Station 400 397 5
Smog Check Repair-Only Station 3 2 5
STAR Station N/A N/A N/A
Brake Station 140 136 5
Lamp Station 138 133 5
Smog Check Inspector 1,478 1,437 5
Smog Check Repair Technician 642 641 5
Brake Adjuster N/A N/A N/A
Lamp Adjuster N/A N/A N/A
Total 12,231 11,765 5

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