NOTE: For instructions on individual form fields please scroll down to the Form Field Instructions.
Step 1:
- Start by entering the BAR File Number for your agency (if you do not know your BAR File Number, you can call (916) 403-0313 or email BAR here.
- Enter the first and last name of the current Responsible Managing Employee (RME) for your agency. This is the person that has been designated by your agency for monitoring and reporting of the vehicle fleet.
- Answer the question "Are there any changes to your agency information since your last report?" If there are changes the form will ask you to enter some additional information after the continue button is clicked. This is so we can update our records. Examples of changes are; change in RME, agency name, address, fleet size, etc.
- Identify the correct reporting year
- Answer the question "Do you have any out of service vehicles?" If your agency has vehicles that were unable to pass a Smog Check, they must be removed from service pending a passing test and identified as out of service. If vehicle is a first responder or emergency vehicle and is required for that function, you can call (916) 403-0313 or email BAR here.
- Answer the question "Does your agency own any Continuous Testing Program (CTP) vehicles?" If your agency is currently enrolled in the CTP program and has vehicles that are reporting to BAR using telematics, answer yes. Otherwise, answer no. For additional information regarding the CTP program, you can call (916) 403-0313 or email BAR here.
- Click continue
- If the RME name has changed you will receive a message that says "The RME name does not match our records. Are you a new RME? Or has your name changed?" If the name has changed since last report, select yes. If you select no the form will not allow you to proceed. If you feel that our database may have an error you can call (916) 403-0313 or email BAR here.
Step 2:
- At this point the appropriate form (based on the previous answers) will populate the screen. If any changes were detected by the system, it will have you fill in additional information to automatically generate a Letter of Response (LOR).
- The agency, RME and address information should have automatically filled in. Make sure these entries are correct before proceeding. If any of this information is incorrect, select the Edit Form button in the top right. This function will allow you to update your agency's information.
- Fill in all appropriate fields.
Step 3 (Reporting Numbers):
- Box #1 - "Total number of agency vehicles subject to Smog Check requirements." This is a total of all vehicles in your fleet that will receive a Smog Check at some point during the vehicle's lifetime. Make sure to include both odd and even VIN vehicles.
- Box #2 - "Vehicles subject to Smog Check requirements this reporting cycle." This is a total of all the vehicles that are required to have a Smog Check for the reporting year selected.
- Box #3 - "Total number of ODD/EVEN (depending on reporting year) VIN vehicles passing the Smog Check inspection for this reporting cycle." This will be a total count of all the vehicles for box #2 that received a passing Smog Check. In most cases box #2 and box #3 will be identical unless there are vehicles that are in an inoperable status, or otherwise unable to pass a Smog Check. If this is the case you will list the vehicles that are currently out of service in the appropriate section.
- Box #4 - "Total number of CTP vehicles in your fleet." If applicable, enter the total number (odd and even VINS) of eligible vehicles reporting to BAR using telematics.
- Out of Service Vehicles - If applicable, enter the VIN and odometer mileage for all vehicles that meet the out of service criteria. After each VIN and mileage entry, click the Add to List button.
Step 4:
- Use the comments section to provide details on any reporting anomalies that might be relevant.
- Input your name for the reporting RME. This provides BAR with information on who completed the report, if different from the RME.
- Click the submit button.
- If there was a previous report submitted you will receive a message stating that this is a duplicate transmittal and the system will ask if you would like to insert a revised transmittal. You must answer yes to proceed.
- If successful, the message "Success: Your Form was submitted. Thank You!" will appear at the top of the reporting form (successful submittal does not mean that your report has been accepted as compliant by BAR).
- Print the form and keep in your records for no less than 3 years.
NOTE: After the form is submitted it will await processing by our automated computer system. If the transmittal gets rejected by our automated system you will receive an email stating the reason for the rejection (this could take up to 7 days). Any rejection should be handled promptly so your agency does not get put on a delinquency list which could result in an audit or enforcement action.
Enter the "G" file number issued to your agency by the BAR. EXAMPLE: GA970000, GB910000, GF950000.
Enter the name of the person designated as the agency's RME (First and Last name is required).
This information will populate after the BAR File # is entered. If this information is incorrect, select Edit Form button in top right.
The physical address fields are automatically populated. If they are incorrect, select the Edit Form button in the top right to edit. Do not list a post office box for the address.
Enter your Agency's mailing address if prompted.
Enter the telephone number for the RME if prompted.
Enter the email address for the RME if prompted.
Name and email address of the individual identified as the RME for CTP related issues. If your agency is not enrolled in the CTP program, leave fields blank.
Enter the total number of vehicles that your agency owns or operates.
This box should include:
- Gasoline, Methanol/Ethanol, Propane (LPG) and Natural Gas (LNG/CNG) fueled vehicles 1976 and newer
- Diesel fueled vehicles 1998 and newer (under 14,001 GVWR)
- Hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles 2000 and newer
This box should not include:
- Diesels, LPG, LNG and CNG fueled vehicles over 14,000 GVWR
- Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity
- Motorcycles
Enter the number of vehicles with Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) that end in an odd number for odd "Reporting Year" or vehicles with VINs that end in an even number for even "Reporting Year."
This box should include:
- Gasoline, Methanol/Ethanol, Propane (LPG) and Natural Gas (LNG/CNG) fueled vehicles 1976 and newer
- Diesel fueled vehicles 1998 and newer (under 14,001 GVWR)
- Hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles
This box should not include:
- Gasoline, Methanol/Ethanol, LPG, LNG and CNG fueled vehicles 1975 and older
- Gasoline, Methanol/Ethanol, LPG, LNG and CNG fueled vehicles that are 8 model years old and newer (example: For "Reporting Year" 2019, vehicles 2012 and newer shall not be included)
- Diesel fueled vehicles 1997 and older
- Diesel fueled vehicles that have the same model year as the reporting year (example: For "Reporting Year" 2019, model year 2019 shall not be included)
- Diesels, LPG, LNG and CNG fueled vehicles over 14,000 GVWR
- Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity
- Motorcycles
Include only vehicles that passed a Smog Check Inspection. Do not include vehicles that failed a Smog Check Inspection or vehicles not in the Smog Check Program.
Use this section to add any additional comments pertinent to the report.
Name of person filling out this report. If you are not the RME, include your name along with "submitted for" and the name of your agency RME.
Click the "Submit" button to send your completed Annual Report to BAR. If successful, the message "Success: Your Form was submitted. Thank You!" will appear at the top of the reporting form.
Print a copy of the report for your records. This copy should be kept in your records for at least 3 years.