Sign and license display requirements

As an automotive repair dealer, you must display certain signs. This includes the automotive repair dealer sign and any applicable station signs. You must also post your license(s) along with the licenses of your technicians and inspectors. Proper signage ensures you meet licensing requirements and helps consumers identify your services.

Automotive repair dealers

Automotive repair dealer sign
Size: 24" x 26"
Where to post: Visible to customers
Reference: BPC § 9884.17, CCR §§ 3351.3, 3351.4

Learn about requirements for mobile automotive repair dealers.

Smog Check stations

Smog Check stations must post the appropriate station sign identifying their service type. STAR stations must also display a STAR station sign. All stations must post the notice to consumers sign.

Test-and-repair station sign / Decal
Test-only station sign / Decal
Repair-only station sign / Decal
Size: 24" x 30" (sign) / 24" x 5 ¼" (decal)
Where to post: Outside, visible to the public
Reference: CCR § 3340.22

STAR station sign
Size: 24" x 5 ¼"
Where to post: Outside, visible to the public
Reference: CCR § 3392.2

Notice to consumers sign (Español)
Where to post: Visible to customers
Reference: HSC § 44017.3, CCR § 3340.22.2

Vehicle safety systems inspection stations

Vehicle safety systems inspection station sign
Size: 24" x 30"
Where to post: Outside, visible to the public
Reference: CCR §§ 3312.2, 3313.1

Where to get signs

  • Purchase signs from any sign vendor.

  • BAR provides Smog Check stations the Notice to Consumers sign at no charge. Contact BAR Field Office Support to request a replacement.

Mobile requirements

Automotive repair dealers that perform only mobile repairs must:

  • Provide a paper copy of the automotive repair dealer sign with each work order.

  • Display the following information on each vehicle used for repairs and in all online ads:

    • Business name

    • License (registration) number

    • Telephone number

The information must be in a visible location on the vehicle and use at least 72 point font.

Reference: CCR §§ 3351.3, 3351.7.3

License display requirements

  • Post your automotive repair dealer license and any station license(s).

  • Stations must also post inspector and technician licenses.

  • Display licenses in an area easily visible to customers.

  • Keep licenses under glass or other transparent cover.

Reference: CCR §§ 3312.2(b), 3340.15(c), 3351.3(a)(1)

Print your license