Upcoming BAR-97 EIS Update

The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) will be updating the BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System (EIS). One of the most important features of the update will require the EIS to connect to the Vehicle Information Database (VID) through internet connection rather than a dedicated phone line, just like the BAR On-Board Diagnostic Inspection System (BAR-OIS). This change is required because the VID will no longer support outdated dial-up connectivity. BAR-certified software for internet connectivity may be available in late 2017, giving stations sufficient time to switch before BAR requires Internet communication for all analyzers.

The new specification also includes updates to capture data directly from the Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Tester (LPFET). Depending on EIS manufacturer preference, this update could be packaged with the Internet connectivity change, or could be a separate update. The exact date for required compliance with the revised 2017 specification will depend on the availability of BAR-certified equipment and software, but will occur no sooner than January 1, 2018. BAR will provide advance notice of the compliance date for the EIS update through ET Blasts and website updates.

For current information on BAR-97 EIS updates, visit the BAR-97 EIS Information page at www.bar.ca.gov.

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