Smog Check OBD Reference
The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) created a Smog Check OBD Reference document to assist licensed Smog Check stations and Inspectors when inspecting specific vehicles with known On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) issues. It provides both a summary of pass/fail standards for the OBD test portion of a Smog Check inspection, and instructions for inspecting vehicles with known OBD issues. Issues addressed include incomplete monitor readiness, no communication, no OBDII required, and vehicle software errors. The document also instructs licensed Smog Check Inspectors to send certain vehicles with specific issues to the Referee while BAR investigates the cause and remedy for that issue. The document contains Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) and warranty information providing licensed Smog Check Repair Technicians diagnostic and repair guidance. The Smog Check OBD Reference document is located on BAR’s website at