Smog Check Security Enhancements in Development

The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) is seeking approval of a regulatory proposal to add Smog Check inspection equipment security enhancements to the BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System (EIS) and the BAR On-Board Diagnostic Inspection System (BAR-OIS). The new requirements will prevent the unauthorized use of the Smog Check inspection equipment and will also identify the licensed Smog Check inspector performing the inspection.

Specifically, the regulatory proposal will:

  • Require use of a biometric login device and a web camera by licensed Smog Check inspectors when performing a Smog Check using the BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System (EIS) and BAR On-Board Diagnostic Inspection System (BAR-OIS).
  • Require that Smog Check stations allow BAR access whenever inspections are being performed, even if the inspections occur outside normal business hours.
  • Require that Smog Check inspectors allow BAR staff remote access to the inspection process, via the internet, when prompted by the BAR-OIS software.

In anticipation of adoption of these regulations, BAR is planning a voluntary enrollment period to allow stations the opportunity to install the biometric devices and enroll inspectors. In order to enroll inspectors in a manageable fashion and to lessen the economic impact of an inspector leaving the station to enroll, BAR will offer optional onsite enrollment during the early enrollment period in lieu of the inspector visiting a BAR field office. Enrollment dates and biometric device information, including requirements and available vendors, will be announced in advance to ensure stations secure the necessary equipment to complete the enrollment process.

BAR will continue to update licensees on the status of the regulatory proposal and will provide notice to stations of upcoming implementation and compliance dates. For up-to-date information, review ET Blasts and the Regulatory Actions page at

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