BAR-OIS Computer Updates Required
The BAR On-Board Diagnostic Inspection System (BAR-OIS) utilizes a Windows-based computer that is maintained either by individual Smog Check stations, or by the vendor that leases the equipment to the station. An important part of maintaining any computer is ensuring the operating system (OS) is supported and up to date. When an OS is no longer supported or not configured to receive security updates, the provider of the OS is no longer able to provide software updates to address security vulnerabilities. This puts any business utilizing computers with unsupported OS at risk of a security breach that could result in malware, stolen or lost data, and loss of revenue caused by downtime.
Many BAR-OIS computers are running on an unsupported OS or are not configured to receive security updates. Not only are these systems at risk, but some will soon be incompatible with Smog Check software updates and thus unable to perform Smog Check inspections. BAR will continue to provide weekly notifications via ET Blasts to stations that are at risk of a lockout. Additionally, BAR will continue to work with equipment vendors and attempt to contact at-risk stations via telephone.
Stations maintaining their own BAR-OIS computer with Windows 7 or 8 should update the software as soon as possible to avoid any interruption to the station’s ability to perform Smog Check inspections. If operating a leased BAR-OIS with Windows 7 or 8, please contact the vendor to schedule a system update. At this time, there is no risk of incompatibility with BAR-OIS computers running Windows 8.1 that have been configured to receive security updates.