Complaint categories

The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) mediates consumer complaints involving automotive repair transactions. During the mediation process, BAR assigns every complaint a complaint category. This category is based on the type of repair or service involved in the repair transaction.

BAR reviews complaint categories and allegation trends to monitor licensee compliance. For licensees, this information identifies common transactions that lead to consumer complaints. It also helps identify areas for enhanced education to avoid future complaints.

Complaint and enforcement statistics reports are shared at BAR Advisory Group meetings. To access these reports, see BAR Advisory Group. Find additional enforcement statistics on the Department of Consumer Affairs Open Data Portal.

January-June 2024

Complaint category Total received %
Engine repair and performance
Repair, diagnosis, cooling systems, fuel systems, etc.
2,988 34%
Auto body
Auto body repair, auto glass, etc.
1,529 17%
General repair and maintenance
Brakes, suspension, steering, air conditioning/heat, etc.
1,452 16%
Automatic transmission, manual transmission, clutch, etc.
607 7%
Vehicle warranty 538 6%
Used car transactions 510 6%
Smog repair, test procedures, etc.
481 5%
Motorcycle repair, etc.
392 4%
Towing and storage
Towing, storage fees, and improper lien sales
242 3%
Unlicensed activity 167 2%

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